My name is Teresa and I'm the proprietress at Aunt Polly's Attic. I'm a wife, mother, friend, dog lover, and gardener. Born and raised in northern Illinois, I come from a long line of modest needlewomen.
The right way and the wrong way
This is the wrong way and I still do it.
Why would I not continue working the entire border which would catch
errors? Instead, I stopped the single stra...
Easy Leftover Roast Beef Stroganoff
It's a great idea to make enough Roast Beef for leftovers and this is one
of my favourite ways to make a whole new meal.
- 3-4 cups slivered lefto...
Friday Finish!
I hope this post finds you all well and not affected by all of the storms
and fires that seem to be taking over the country. We have had some rain,
Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along - Block #4
Here's Block # 4 for my Civil War Mini Quilt sew along - Friendship Star
You'll find the instructions in my Facebook group files or on my website.
~ Happy Thursday Photo dump ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk!
...and a very happy chilly sunny kinda-windy March Thursday to us all!
just cleaning a few photos out of my phone...
we fe...
May and onward to June 2024….
~ warm welcome to all of you ~
As usual for me…
I’ve been busy! One thing I have incorporated into my life is:
Rest. My husband and I had our deck redone f...
* It's been an extremely crazy year in 2023. Lots of good and some not so
good things have happened, but we've made it through. *
* I've slowed down a ...
I am alive!
So you might have noticed that I haven't been here on my blog for a few
months. I was working full-time at my husband's clinic and busy with the
~ Be the Light~
*Now is the time to stand in your truth and be the light!*
*You don't have to comply with group thinking or mass*
*hysteria. They are old traps to trigge...
Episode 131
*Stitching WIPs*
- Elizabeth Furniss 1836 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers - 40 ct.
Vintage Sand Dune by Lakeside Linens and AVAS Soie d’Alger sil...
I'm working on many different things....
I've had people ask me why I jump from one thing to another all the
time....Well, the answer is simple...
I have ADHD ...I get bored with things so easil...
Farmhouse Fun
My son was lucky enough to be able to rent a farmhouse that was built in
the late 1800s. It still has some of the original charm mixed with some
really bad...
Sunrise Side Quilts
I've had great fun making the quilts for the Sunrise Side collection (and
thank you Leigh Ann for making one too!) Here they are....
Eccentricity i...
A New Little Frozen Man Named Dickens ...
Hello my dear friend,
today I am sharing my newest little frozen man with you and all I can say
that it has taken me a while to get here but here I am!
So busy and time just slips away. Summer is already half over & I feel
like I haven't really done anything. The flower gardens both front and
back, ha...
Maryland Sheep and Wool Virtual Festival
*The Spruce Ridge Studios booth at the 2019 Maryland Sheep & Wool *
*The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival is always the first week-end of May a...
Hey all! Great news! The new home of this blog is at with
updates several times a week in a much snazzier viewer! Also all the farm ...
Thinking of wonderful winters past.
Snow is unusual in Fredericksburg. We had a big snow once when we lived on
Cherry road.
Our first shop on Cherry Road. We lived there 1980 till 1992...
New Designs for Nashville Market!
It's that exciting time of the year!! Social media seems to be flooded
with photos of new designs from designers everywhere! It's so much fun!
Not ...
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello friends!
Just stopping by quickly with a reminder that it’s that time again!
Ever since I was little, we have cut forsythia to force it to bloom i...
The first month of the new decade has flown by in a whirl of activities.
Most exciting thing I do every Janaury is Off the Ocean rug camp which is
held in ...
*FREE CHART* Thankful Every Day
My gift to you, in honor of my very favorite holiday.
Follow this link to a downloadable PDF file.
This simple little design was stitched on 32 count Sm...
I love my coffee station.
It has plenty of vintage charm with a touch of industrial lure.
This is definitely one of my favorite spots to decorate at Chri...
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
Finally thought today was the day I could get to some well over due yard
work. Waited for morning rains to stop, then started clean up around this
huge map...
Long time no see!
Hello my blogging friends! It’s been waaaay too long since I’ve visited
Blogland! I feel like all I do is work! And while it’s wonderfully fun, and
I am v...
Crazy Seasons Mystery Quilt block 5!
Good morning!
It's time again for a new block on this fun adventure! I am loving seeing
everyone's beautiful work on the Facebook group for this project! I...
I've been meaning to tend to my blog but it seems there's never enough
time. Today with all of the Facebook issues, I realize I need to do this
sooner than...
Good Bye Mission Road Antique Mall
Mission Road Antique Mall, the antique mall where I've peddled my goods for
almost twenty years, will close on Dec 30, 2018. The property was purchased
Faux Meerschaum Ornaments
If you have been following me for very long you may have remember where I
did a post about making the best molds and castings? Well I spent some time
in my...
Incredibles 2 gets 17 stars!
One of the pleasures of being a grandmother, has been going to movies, with
Livvie. She is getting older, so there will come a time when going to the
Summer Leaf
I ended up finishing my punchneedle leaf into a needlebook. I'm so pleased
with how it turned out. I added a little brown bone ring on the end...just
Happy Easter my friends. I hope this post finds you full of blessings, full
bellies and new memories.
You are probably wondering about my title to this pos...
Glue Book Revisited
Hello my dear friends,
for today's Simply Neutrals Tuesday over at AppleApricot I choose a few of
my Glue book pages which I did a few years ago. Yes, tim...
Saturday Image Bonus 361
As promised here are a few of the pages from the inside of the 1905 New
York Fashions catalog from the previous post. They sure did have style
back in th...
Farm Chicks and Quilts
What a wonderful quilt Geni made! I asked some of the gals to help with
some samples and look at this wonderful Farm Chick quilt Geni stitched up.
A New Addition to the Animal Crackers Series
Introducing *~Paisley~ *on this snowy and bitter cold day
The newest addition to the *Animal Crackers Series*
She makes the perfect little companion to...
I'm Alive!
I know I've been terrible at blogging lately, but life has just been
getting in the way. Everything is fine with me and mine, so let me share
some show & t...
Gingerbread birds and butter brickle
I made these gingerbread birds this past week from an antique cookie board
I purchased last year. I can't even begin to tell you how much it
Hip Replacement and Weight Loss
I recently found out that I have to have a total hip replacement. I'm
really looking forward to it because I want to be mobile again. I saw my
Wow...I haven't posted on this blog in such a long time....I thought I
would share my Fall/Halloween rugs with you all...
They're all listed in my Etsy Sho...
Bird, Bee and Beeskep
Bird Bee and the Beeskep
This needlepunch was designed by me on weavers cloth with Valdani threads,
then coffee dyed. I attached it to a handmade black d...
New Etsy Listings......
*Happy Monday!! It sure is going to be a hot one today. I just love the
warmer weather and the sunshine!! I just wanted to let you know that I will
be lis...
I am back after a much needed little break! I have been enjoying spring,
working in the yard and catching up on life. We have a new baseball team
here in K...
Fixer Upper
I am looking forward to spring.
Just one more day till it's official.
I finished hooking this, it's an older pattern by
Blackbird Designs.
My son and ...
Needleprint is now closed but I shall be posting exciting details of the
transfer of our intellectual property towards the end of February - so do
watch th...
Last Saturday, Sonny and I went to Just Breathe in Bellville, for salt
therapy. It is supposed to be very good for respiratory issues ( which he
has righ...
We've Moved!
Hello! Long, long, long time no blog, hu? I realize I have not blogged in
ages, and I have been thinking of starting up again. However, I have moved
my blo...
Doll Making
My sister has given me the opportunity to make a doll for her again. It is
interesting that most of the doll making just comes naturally from doing it
so ...
African Wedding Jacket and Everyday Dress
A fellow boxer commissioned me to sew him a custom wedding jacket with
traditional African details.
This is one of my favorite garments I've ever created....
I am falling in love with *Drifwood Art*....and have a link as how to make
"driftwood" from sticks and branches you find in the woods. I will post
it at ...
podcast episode 63: purposeful knitting
Show Notes
Hoot! by Ysolda Teague Chelsea Beach Shawl, test knit for Holli Dapp of
Swift Knits podcast / design out later this month
It's Been A Long Time!
It has been such a long time since I have posted to my blog! Like all good
intentions I hope to do much better in the coming months.
I can hardly belie...
Thursday Hooking
Fun day with the girls at Grant Street Woolworks yesterday. Got there a
little later than usual, and Linda had some shoppers that were there and
gone alre...
Seagull Image Free Image From Leaping Frog Designs
*I have been playing around a little*
*in my cropping program and*
*decided to do a Seagull*
*Last week I took this photograph at the*
*Oregon Coast. This ...
Top Gun (1986) Watch Full Movie
Download Movie *Top Gun* in High Definition Quality. Watch Streaming *Top
Gun* in High Quality. Online Streaming *Top Gun* in Best Look Video Format.
I hooked this rug from a needle punch pattern by Goos Nest
It's approx. 16" X 20 1/2". Great on a table,hanging on the wall or an old
cupboard. I have an a...
Moving on to other things !
As you may have noticed I don't blog anymore , but rather than just leave
things open I thought I would make some closure here :)
Everything is ok with ...
Hey there!
*My dear friends, *
*Many seasons have passed, but I keep you all forever with me along this
journey. I'm excited to say that I've decided to begin blogg...
I am Back!!!
I gave up on blogging for quite trouble and I had lots of
issues with my blog. I am back on ETSY selling and I want to combine my
blog ...
Fabric Collage
I recently completed this collage for a wonderful blogging friend.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by my nest!
Take Care - *Robin*
27 months with Lilly
Lilly left us on 5-31, 2014. She had a really bad night, by morning the
pain was too much for Lilly so we took her to have her laid to rest. No
matter how...
Seeing Spots!
Let me begin by apologizing (ONCE AGAIN) for being such a bad blogger. I
try, I really do. My TSH Face Book page gets updated more frequently, so
check ...
flower'd frocks and garden walks~
good morning
dear friends~
as these spring days begin to lengthen and warm,
a meadowlark sings in the old rose by the dollhouse door
and myself, the doll...
we all have 'that corner' in our home decor
the corner that looks bare, yet we can't find
anything that works
without making it look 'junked up'
well, *we'...
We've officially moved...NO JOKE!!!
TO OUR NEW BLOG LOCATION! YAY! Really, this is not an April Fool's joke ;)!
Feel free to browse around here at the YEARS of projects that we've created
Curve Balls...
*Hello Friends Old and New! It has been a while since I was here and it
feels good to be back. My husband was in an ATV accident in 2011. He
injured ...
Welcome to 2014!
Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone has a wonderful 2014!
This is my new Hearts Collection. I will be listing these on eBay.
If you haven't stopped...
My Basket Mini-Quilt
Just a little something that I've been working on. I haven't done any
quilt projects for quite awhile now, because I've been so busy sewing for
other peop...
It has been months since I have actually posted here, and for that I am
Real life seems to have gotten in the way of much that I try to do these
Retreat 2014 News!
Lots of details and plans in the works for Tree of Life Samplings to host
a 2014 Retreat! If you are interested in attending in June of 2014, and
would li...
Silent Retreat
I've just taken a deep breath and have decided to dive back into
blogging. This time I won't begin with an apology for taking so long to
write a post....
Gathered Treasures
Gathered Treasures
Join me at this fantastic show full of amazing vendors!
I am thinking about trying to do a little more blogging instead of strickly
Heat Embossing Color Tip
A quick tip showing how you can have any colour heat embossed image when
using clear embossing powder, versamark and the ink of your choice... I
Prairie Schooler Santas
Let me just say, I love July!
July 4th is one of my favorite holidays - I love being at ball games and
hearing the National Anthem being played this month...
A bit of a quiet day in the shop today so it was nice to come home to
pretty carrot cake cupcakes Erica made ~ and flowers :)
I hope everyone is having ...
As usual written words fail me,Just can't say enough about this talented
Artist...I found an awesome Rug designer ...*Yvonne Buus-Vintage Heart
It's the Little Things
*Yesterday it was my birthday. *
*I hung one more year on the line.*
*I ain't worrying. *
*And I ain't scurrying. *
*I'm just having a good time.*
*~Paul Sim...
A New Beginning
Simply put, this is my wish for the New Year. The outgoing one was riddled
with far too much violence and soul-crushing sadness. May we all come
On a Grand Tour...
Have you ever heard of a Grand Tour? Wikipedia has a full description, but
I'll just give you a few lines: "The Grand Tour was the traditional trip of
Winter Wonderland
Hope this post finds you all doing well. We are doing just fine here in
the Adkins Household. We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with our family and
Relationship Predictions
A adequately accepted seek engine concern is accord predictions.
Presumably, anyone allurement that statement, is analytic for analytic
account sites. A...
Cool Morning
The weather sure has changed this last week. These cooler temps sure have
put me in the mood for the upcoming holidays. I have been busy designing
and st...
Is it ever too late?
Hello Folksies
Long time, no see. Or hear. Or whatever. I have been so erstwhile this
year. Fancy word for being formerly occupied. OCCUPIED? No, not...
June and so much to do!!!
First off I have had alot of questions regarding my Kegger that
disappeared.... He is back!!!! Four weeks to the day and he appears. I was
in Missouri visi...
Hi sweet friends, hope you're all well and looking forward to nice
weather. Here in the Finger Lakes we're still betwixt and between, 80
degrees one day a...
It's Wednesday evening....
Blooming Clematis in my gardenand only two more days until the weekend. I
am ready to hide eggs for Emma to find. I think she will have a wonderful
time h...
I have to say that even though my kids are grown and have started their own
lives, I find myself still very proud of the achievements and happenings in
~merry christmas~
*I hope everyone has had a Wonderful Christmas....*
*My family and I sure have enjoyed our time together. Jeff took the week
off work and it was really ni...
Merry Christmas Dear Friends...
The best part of this magical time of year is being with those we love,
our family and friends who make our lives so very special and meaningful.
Christmas In The Shop!
*We've got several trees just laden with antique spun cotton fruit, veggies
and Santas*
*This Christmas season the shop at The Black Angus is filled to t...
Small Annies
Little Red Annie #2
Approx 17" tall...has her dress trimmed with vintage red rik-rak and lace.
Price $28
Small rag doll....approx 13" tall...Price $22
NEW Christmas Cards!
Dan and I are pleased to announce that our new Christmas cards are now
These cards are simply primitive & folky! The front is an original
A Gathering of Goodies
Yep! Gotta get just the right one!!
No room in the back and the girls had to fill in around their feet!! Has
that ever happened to any of you?Oh my, what f...
SAD NEWS.....................
Due to some bad luck I will not be teaching at the Artful Gathering.
PLEASE do not pre-register for my class! If you know of anyone that has
registered or...
I would like to thank Alice from Paris, Madrid for sending me a picture of
her finished sampler of "SHEPHARD AND SHEPHARDESS" she sent it to me a
April Showers
Bring May flowers and a Robin or two! Announcing my new pattern. A sweet
and somewhat realistic Robin.
~Sweet Spring Folk Bird~
Yes, it is Spring (officially anyway) but in the northeast old man winter
is not done with us yet. So a Sweet Spring Folk Bird called me to take some
White Wednesday~Kitchen Whites
I'm linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday today....
These are the tops of our cabinets in the kitchen~
A chippy old column....
I had two like this, but...
About us
We accept sponsored advertising, paid post and sponsored links on this blog.
We write genuine paid and free reviews that are true to our knowledge.
Even t...
Fall Door Charmer Pumpkins!!!
I just finished up this great 3 ft tall pumpkin. He is slender and has a
grapevine wreath with pip berries and a tag. Great for doors, porches,
The Great Wall of china
I've noticed that in Goodwill stores, flea markets, yard sales, etc. there
always seems to be a plethora of mismatched plates. I buy them - even the
Poor Fat Riley
*Fat Riley started at 28lbs. 2 months now, down to 24.5. New diet from Vet
will crash her down quicker. Goal is to get to 15-17lbs. POOR RILEY! And
"Ten Little Toes"
Had way too much fun with this one! Entitled "Ten Little Toes" - look at
that little one wiggling her toes - so cute! Used a variety of cottons,
laces, cr...
Beautiful Day
I've just come in from feeding all our farm animals, and it is absolutely
GORGEOUS outside! The sun shinning, the smell of fresh cut grass, our ducks
all ...