The poppies are INCREDIBLE this year! I wish they stayed like this all summer long ... but alas, they don't. As a matter of fact, the poppy plant itself gets downright UGLY long before the end of summer. But they sure are spectacular while in bloom!!!

My wild phlox that everyone said would NEVER take off when I stopped along an old country road and dug these delicious smelling beauties. And boy were they WRONG! The wild phlox have sprung up everywhere in my gardens! I love the smell of them all in bloom ...

The boys' old sandbox ... now our hosta bed with my dumpster divin' metal sculpture from last spring ... LOVE having my office close to the art school at the university ... those wacky art students are right up my junk-lovin' alley!!!! You never know what you'll find in the dumpsters!!! Hubby and I started collecting different hosta varieties a couple of years ago and add a new variety or two every summer. We'll be purchasing this year's newby in a couple of weeks when our 50% off bucks kick into action at a local greenhouse. See the ceramic mushroom lower left in the sandbox? That's the spot for our newby this year.

Think the hostas on the side of the house need to be thinned? Ya think?!!? Anybody want some? My friend Neenee would say they're just junker common hostas, but I love them just the same ... seriously though, come fall these babies HAVE to be thinned!

The herb bed this year ... rosemary from seed (!!!), lavendar, basil, tomatoes (cherry and not), chives, hyssop, rue, lilies, daisies, sedum, orange mint, hen and chicks, alyssum, hmmmmmmmm ... what else???

My egg basket from the Amish guy's farm in Lancaster, PA ... all planted up and coming right along ...

Once this basket gets settled in and the plants start to grow, it's going to be downright GORGEOUS! And it must weigh 80 pounds!!!! Tons of plants in this basket!!!
The vegetable garden is coming right along ... I'll be posting some pictures soon ...