Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A halloween freebie ... and I HATE migraines!

Home from work today and piled into bed in warm jammies after a warm shower, feeling like a dishrag after a night of migraine, medication (which makes the after-migraine suck that much more, but what can you do?), and is it allergies or a cold?  My migraines always sneak up in the middle of the night.  What's up with that sh*t?

I  ...  FEEL  ...  LIKE  ...  CRAP!!!

But BEFORE I felt like crap, I designed a lil Halloween freebie for you all ... please send some pics if you decide to do something with it.

Til next time ...


Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Oh, Dear, Teresa, I do know what you're going through. My years of migraines have subsided to about 4 a month now since I've been in menopause. You are so right, the medicine makes you feel wiped out. Really sick and just yuk. I take Axert and they don't wear me down after like the Imitrex and some of the others. Maxalt worked good for me also, but my insurance won't pay for it anymore and you probably know how expensive the medicine is, I couldn't believe it when I saw the prices!
But on a happy note, how generous of you to give us this free pattern. It's great, I hope to stitch this for a project in October. It will be my first cross stitch in a very long time. Thank you so much.
And pamper yourself some more after that migraine siege.
Warm Regards,

Catherine said...

I hope you are feeling better!!
Thanks for such a great freebie!

Anonymous said...

Since I have migraines for 42 years now, I know what you a going through. It's just an awful dicease and many people just don't understand.
I think that the migraine you describe is also known as 'nocturnal migraine' , maybe it take you a step further. I really hope so!
After every migraine I feel like runover by a truck.
My apologize if my english isn't well, I'm a dutch woman.
I hope you get well soon.
Warm regards,