Friday, October 30, 2009

I won, I won, I won!!!!

How about THIS?????  Many, many, MANY special thanks to Beth at Raggedy Angel for having such a WONDERFUL birthday giveaway!!!  The redware plate is my second piece of redware ... I feel the start of a new collection coming on ... I LOVE the turkey on the plate!  And Thanksgiving is coming FAST.  The lard spoon will go perfectly with my collection on the kitchen soffit!  The spicy wooly punkin is so yummy smelling!  The tarts and room spray ... INCREDIBLE!  Thank you, Beth.  It was just like Christmas!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Hooray for being the lucky winner of her drawing! Can you believe I don't own a single piece of redware? I do have a few yellowware bowls though.